West Bengal Joint Entrance Examination

West Bengal Joint Entrance Examination or the WB-JEE is a state-government controlled centralised test for admission to many private and governmental medical and engineering institutions in West Bengal. The test is taken after the 12th grade for admission to graduation (also known as Bachelors) courses. The exam can be taken by those who studied Pure Science stream in plus two level with the specific subjects tested in the examination, which are Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and Biology. There are actually two separate tests for medical colleges and engineering colleges, the difference being that the medical test has the Biology paper while the engineering test has the Mathematics paper.

Every year approximately 3 lakh people take the examination and it is increasing. Students of both West Bengal Council of Higher Secondary Education and the central Indian School Certificate board take the test, though it is dominated by the former. It's a prestigious test, and few students of science in West Bengal don't take at least one of the two tests.



From 2006, the WBJEE is going to contain only objective-type MCQ (Multiple Choice Question) type questions. This announcement has attracted mixed reactions with some applauding it as a step towards the future while others have said that opting for MCQ when other tests were slowly phasing out MCQ because of studies showing MCQ failed to properly judge aptitude is a folly.Now beside MCQ pattern,the total marks has been divided in two segments,MCQ-80 marks and objective-20marks

The WBJEE 2008[1] was Postponed Due To Paper Leak, after the physics, chemistry and biology papers were leaked. Two persons, Arun Chowdhury and Mihir Dandapatt, were arrested on Saturday in West Midnapore's Ghatal, where the three papers were being sold for Rs 2.5 lacs. The wbjee 2011 exam was postoned from 17th April 2011 to 22nd April due to election date issues in westbengal.

Participating Institutes

Various colleges intake students based on WBJEE Ranks. The Central Selection Council conducts a counselling session for students where colleges are allotted to them. The institutions that take part in this session are:

  1. Bengal Engineering and Science University, Shibpur
  2. Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya
  3. Jadavpur University
  4. Kalyani University Science Instrumentation Centre
  5. University Institute of Technology, Burdwan
  6. Uttar Banga Krishi Viswavidyalaya
  7. West Bengal University of Animal and Fishery Sciences
  8. West Bengal University of Health Sciences
  9. West Bengal University of Technology and its affiliated institutes.

However, the participation of Bengal Engineering and Science University, Shibpur and Jadavpur University in WB-JEE has been subject to recent speculation with the imminent upgradation of Bengal Engineering and Science University, Shibpur into IIEST and the possible conversion of Jadavpur University into a Central University. BESU is likely to use the AIEEE for admission of students, while Jadavpur University might choose IIT-JEE, which is the case with other Central Universities like IT-BHU and IMSU.


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